Tecmo Super Bowl 2017 Update

I made a small change to the way the Pro Bowls are handled by Tecmo Super Bowl 2017.  I’ve reverted back to the traditional format of AFC vs. NFC, doing away with the previous Team Rice vs. Team Irvin.  This includes the team logos (Rice/Irvin faces are out, AFC and NFC logos have returned), rosters (the best players at each position are back), and short-name callouts (RIC/IRV out, AFC/NFC in).

The reason for this change is because at the end of a season, during a simulation, the Pittsburgh Steelers were crowned “RIC CHAMPIONS.”  It turns out the “RIC” label was used in more locations than just the Pro-Bowl.

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When you download the update, you might have to (a) delete your previous ROM save file, or (b) do a “RESET ROSTERS” for each Pro Bowl team on their respective TEAM DATA screen.  If you don’t, the old rosters might still be active.

The new version can be found HERE or in the Downloads section on the right side of the page.

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