Tecmo Super Bowl 2017

One thing this site has been missing over the years has been an annual Tecmo Super Bowl release, similar to the gems found on TecmoBowl.org.  I’ve got the college and original Tecmo Bowl covered, but I’ve left Tecmo Super Bowl to those that already do it.  Because of this, there is a gaping hole in my collection that can only be filled by this update.

Fast forward to today.

Maybe this is cheap.  Maybe this is just efficient.  The annual Tecmo Super Bowl release on TecmoBowl.org is released by a guy named Knobbe.  His release is a highly modified version of the original with all sorts of bells and whistles.  I’ve taken his player data and ported it over the bare-bones version (vanilla) of Tecmo Super Bowl, made a few adjustments (Pro Bowl out, Rice/Irvin in), put a bow on it, and am now re-releasing it as a BaronROMs exclusive.

The download can be found HERE or in the Downloads section on the side of the page.

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Super Mario Bros. 2016

Just because I can.

Flirting with blasphemy, I feel that the original Super Mario Bros. has a “dated” feel to it. I’ve taken it upon myself to freshen things up a bit. Using Super Mario Bros. 2 and 3 as models, I’ve applied a fresh new coat of paint over the NES classic which is now available for download.

The download link can be found HERE, or in the Downloads section on the right.

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